Easter Celebrated at the Citadel


Easter Sunday at Birmingham Citadel began with pre-meeting music from Birmingham Citadel Band who played the piece of music ‘He Lives’. The choir (Songsters) stood around the packed room to sing a powerful rendition of the song, ‘You are my King’.

Christ the Lord is Risen Today – Hallelujah! was the introduction to the service led by Majors Val and Peter Mylechreest. Worship was enhanced by the musical sections: we were reminded by the junior choir (Singing Company) that ‘He’s not Here He’s Alive’ and the Young People’s Band played ‘Easter Intrada’. The choir went on to sing of ‘The Throne of Heaven’ before the Band took us to the foot of the cross through the music entitled ‘Such Love’. The children were not left out and were provided with an ‘Eggs-celent’ story by Major Val Mylechreest.

Major Peter Mylechreest spoke about the improbable world we live in and how just because something may seem improbable, it does not mean it is not possible! When God created the world, created us, He knew what He was doing. Revisiting that first Easter, Major Mylechreest reminded the congregation how improbable it sounded that the Son of God should die and rise again three days later. Jesus, however, went further than anyone could imagine; the ‘improbable’ was alive! Now we are all invited to share in that improbable love – made probable by the resurrection.

The service concluded with a benediction in the form of the Hallelujah Chorus.

Following the meeting, the children at Birmingham Children’s Hospital were treated to Cadbury’s Cream Eggs and music from the band while others prepared a special Easter Day lunch at the Citadel.

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