Birmingham Citadel
Salvation Army
Transforming lives
Employment Plus Local
In the 1880’s William Booth started the first Employment Exchange in the United Kingdom an idea that was quickly taken up by the Government of the day. With the financial crash and recession in 2008 the Salvation Army once again believed it right to challenge and fight against the scourge of unemployment in the UK.
Employment Plus Local is a Church based and resourced activity that seeks to to offer a “hand up” to the unemployed, in the area or district where the Church is based. Using IT Equipment sourced and funded by The Salvation Army through Employment Plus, our Employment Plus Local is staffed by trained church volunteers. Laptops and printers are available for use to overcome and fight against the barriers of digital and financial exclusion.
Here at Birmingham Citadel, Employment Plus Local offers a warm and friendly environment where clients can come to Job Search, improve their cvs, improve their IT and employability skills and contact their Job Centre.