Birmingham Citadel
Salvation Army
Transforming lives
BCB52in52in62 completes with great success
Our intrepid band members have successfully completed their latest charity venture after visiting 52 sporting venues in 62 hours. It began at Edgbaston Cricket Stadium early Saturday morning and finished at Villa Park on Monday evening where they were joined by many families and friends. At many of the venues they visited, they were joined […]
125th Anniversary Weekend at Birmingham Citadel
Our 125th Anniversary Weekend starts with an outdoor concert at 3.30pm on Saturday in Cathedral Square, by Birmingham Cathedral, off Colmore Row. The rest of the events on Saturday will follow on. Our 4pm meeting will be by the Bullring in our usual place. We are looking forward to the whole weekend and welcoming […]
New sound clips for July and August now available
New recordings of bible messages in July and August from our Corps Officers are now available here Listen on your computer or download to another device. Please do not share on other websites, direct listeners to the actual page using the link.
Silver Star award
Major Adrian Allman presented The Fellowship of The Silver Star badge and certificate to Audrey and David Mynott today in recognition of their daughter Claire Mynott being commissioned (ordained) as a Salvation Army Officer with the rank of Lieutenant. Claire has been appointed as the Corps Officer at Bo’ness in Scotland. Claire grew up at […]