Birmingham Citadel
Salvation Army
Transforming lives
Singing Company take part in Territorial Congress meeting
click here to watch the Sunday Worship from the UKI Territorial Congress this weekend. Our own young people took part by video singing their own song composed during the lockdown in the first half of 2020.
Harvest Weekend 2020 Zooms ahead
Our Harvest weekend began with our usual Harvest Social evening, however this year it was convened online as a Zoom meeting. Earlier in the day a few volunteers had created Harvest Suppers for 300 of our church members and they were delivered to doorsteps by 15 volunteers who covered the whole of the West Midlands […]
Road Restrictions around our building
Due to ongoing construction work near our building and changes made to surrounding roads by Birmingham City Council it is now only possible to reach the rear of our building(where the car park and on street parking exists) using Price Street, or Princip Street and exit using Vesey Street. If you wish to see this […]